What is already known:
What this study adds:
This study explores various ways to quantify the frequency of severe convective storms within weekly periods, aiming to highlight different aspects of the climatology. The number of days per week where the coverage of severe convective storms exceeded a threshold, as defined by the practically perfect hindcast (PPH) framework, were computed for the period 1991–2022. Analyses examined various hazards and thresholds. Monthly climatologies of weekly severe weather day frequency illustrates that the most active weeks occur during late spring and summer. Weeks with a higher frequency of severe weather days tend to have a greater impact, with the most significant day in the week covering a larger area, more frequent occurrences of significant severe weather, and a higher likelihood of a greater number of injuries and fatalities. The frequency of weeks with major tornado days peaks earlier in the year compared to more active weeks with any type of severe weather. Therefore, hazard-specific weekly forecasts may need to be tailored to specific periods within the year. The annual cycle provides insight into when forecasts for the second week should be made, as a higher number of weekly severe weather days occur in late spring and summer, while the cool season experiences far fewer events over a week.