NWC REU 2004
May 24 - July 31

Week 1:
May 24 - May 28

Monday May 24th Students arrive in Norman

First trip to grocery/discount store
Tuesday May 25th 9:00a: Sign apartment leases, Get OU ID cards, Sign leases; Sign up for long distance; file travel reimbursement.

12pm: Lunch at Hideaway

1pm: Tours of OU campus

2pm: Tour of SOM

3:30-5pm: NSSL tour
Wednesday May 26th Pick up at 8:45a

9-11a: Being a Scientist: Dr. Dave Schultz, NSSL Main Conf Rm

11:30- 1:00p: Welcome Picnic, Reaves Park

Tours: SPC (1:30-2:30), NWS (2:45-3:45), ROC (4-4:30)

Independent Research
Thursday May 27th Pick up at apts

9-12p: Introduction to UNIX: Dr. Mark Laufersweiler, SEC Plaza Computer Lab

Lunch on your own

Independent Research

Friday May 28th Pick up at apts 8:15a

Independent research

Lunch on your own


Week 2:
May 31 - June 4

Monday May 31st Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday June 1st Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

Weekly Trip to Grocery Store
Wednesday June 2nd Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own
Thursday June 3rd Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own
Friday June 4th Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own


Week 3:
June 7 - June 11

Monday June 7th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

Weekly trip to grocery/discount Store
Tuesday June 8th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

2:00-5:30pm: Media Relations Workshop, Keli Tarp, NSSL Main Conf Room

Pick up at 5:30p
Wednesday June 9th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

4-5p: Lecture: Economics in Meteorology: Dr. Dan Sutter, NSSL Conf Room
Thursday June 10th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

12-2p: 1st Pizza Lunch & Mini-presentations: What you're going to do and why we should care (1-2 min)
Friday June 11th
8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own


Week 4:
June 14 - June 18

Monday June 14th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

9-10a: Statistics I: Dr. Mike Richman and Dr. Kim Elmore, NSSL Conference Room

Independent research

Lunch on your own

Weekly trip to grocery/discount Store
Tuesday June 15th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

9-10a: Statistics II: Dr. Mike Richman and Dr. Kim Elmore, NSSL Conference Room

Independent research

11am-12pm: CASA Students Video Conference with UMass

Lunch on your own
Wednesday June 16th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

10-11am: Lecture: "Dual Pol Radar": Dr. Terry Schuur, NSSL Conference Room

11am-12pm: Bull Session and Brown Bag Lunch

12-3p: Field Trip: "The Day After Tomorrow"
Thursday June 17th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

2:30-4:30p: Natl Council of Industrial Meteorologists student talks at SEC, Plaza B (sub sandwiches provided)
Friday June 18th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

3-5pm: Panel Discussion: Climatology and Policy in relation to the movie, "The Day After Tomorrow.", NSSL Conference Room


Week 5:
June 21 - June 25

Monday June 21st 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

1-4pm: Optional Workshop: Introduction to Radar Signals: Dr. Tian You-Yu, SEC 1243

Weekly trip to grocery/discount Store
Tuesday June 22nd 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

4-5pm: Lecture: "CASA": Jerry Brotzge, SEC 7th Floor Conf Room
Wednesday June 23rd 8:45a: Pick up at apts

930-1030am: Tour of the Phased Array Radar

11am-12pm: Tour of the SMART-R

Lunch on your own

1-5pm: Writing Skills/Communication Workshop, Day 1: Dr. David Schultz
Thursday June 24th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

12-3p: 2nd Pizza Lunch & Mini-presentations Project status & challenges, (3-5 min)

4-5p: Lecture: "Leadership": Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier, SEC 7th Floor Conf Room
Friday June 25th
8:45a: Pick up at apts

9am-11am: Lecture/Tour: "TELEX":, Dave Rust and Eric Bruning

Independent research

1-5pm: Writing Skills/Communication Workshop, Day 2: Dr. David Schultz


Week 6:
June 28 - July 2

Monday June 28th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

Weekly trip to grocery/discount Store
Tuesday June 29th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own
Wednesday June 30th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

1-5pm: Severe Weather Forecasting Workshop: Dr. Bob Johns, NSSL Conference Room
Thursday July 1st 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

4-5pm: Lecture: The Oklahoma Mesonet: Dr. Jeff Basara, NSSL
Friday July 2nd 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

3-4pm: Lecture: Intro to Radar: Dr. Kevin Kloesel, NSSL


Week 7:
July 5 - July 9

Monday July 5th July 4th Holiday!

Weekly trip to grocery/discount Store
Tuesday July 6th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own
Wednesday July 7th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own
Thursday July 8th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

12-3pm: 3rd Pizza Lunch & Mini-presentations, Methodology or literature (5-7 min)
Friday July 9th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own


Week 8:
July 12 - July 16

Monday July 12th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

Weekly trip to grocery/discount store
Tuesday July 13th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own
Wednesday July 14th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own
Thursday July 15th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

3-5p: Bull Session #2, NSSL
Friday July 16th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own


Week 9:
July 19 - July 23

Monday July 19th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

4-5pm: 2004 REU Career Panel, NSSL Conf Room

Weekly trip to grocery/discount store
Tuesday July 20th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

11:30-1:30p: Brown Bag Lunch: Chuck Doswell's Talk on Storm Chasing
Wednesday July 21st 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

3:30-5pm: Graduate School Talk: Dr. Fred Carr and Ms. Celia Jones, SEC 1410
Thursday July 22nd 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

3:30-5pm: Tour of Weathernews, Inc
Friday July 23rd 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own


Week 10:
July 26 - July 30

Monday July 26th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own

Weekly trip to grocery/discount store
Tuesday July 27th
8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own
Wednesday July 28th 8:45a: Pick up at apts

Independent research

Lunch on your own
Thursday July 29th
Final Presentations; the order is Jackie Dubois, Kim Klockow, Heather Flachs, Angie Pendergrass, Janice Bytheway, Adam French, Courtney Hanna, Jennifer Green, Matt Van Den Broeke, John Gensic, Zack Byko, Cynthia Whittier, Daniel Fessler, Angela Rowe, and Margaret Nitz

8:00-8:45a: Light Breakfast and group picture at NSSL

9-11a: Final Presentations

11am-1pm: Presentation Luncheon: Guest Speaker Dean John Snow

1-4:30pm: Final Presentations

4:30-5:30: Post-presentation Reception at NSSL

REU 2004 is concluded!
Friday July 30th
8:45a: Pick up at apts

Clean up offices, Pack to leave today or Saturday