NWC REU 1999
May 24 - July 30



Synoptic Patterns Associated with Wet & Dry Spells in Northern Peru during 1997-1998 El Niño

Joshua Boustead and Michael Douglas



Using rainfall data from between 60 and 110 locations in northern Peru, National Center for Environmental Prediction reanalysis model data, GOES 8 Infrared satellite data, and pilot balloon observations from the PACS-SONET, a compositing analysis was made to characterize the conditions associated with synoptic scale rainfall fluctuations during the 1997 - 1998 El Niño. The daily rainfall data show that there are distinct wet and dry spells. The two objectives of this project are to 1) identify if there is any synoptic or mesoscale windfield pattern associated with the wet and dry spells and 2) evaluate the accuracy of the National Center for Environmental Prediction reanalysis wind data compared with what was actually observed by the PACS-SONET in detecting these synoptic or mesoscale features.

Paper available upon request.