NWC REU 1999
May 24 - July 30

A collection of photos from the 1999 edition of the program!

Photo collages

A welcome barbeque was held for the students and mentors. It was great time for everyone to get to know each other, eat a little (okay, a lot!) and play a few games. Thanks to Bob's Barbeque for making it a success!!! Bobby the Pig even became this summer's mascot!

Bob's BBQ Logo.

Lectures and Workshops


We had a pizza lunch every Friday at OU or NSSL. This gave everyone an opportunity to socialize with those they didn't see everyday. It also gave the mentors a chance to get to know the students better. The group could also catch up on the latest developments in everyone's research projects. Most everyone liked the idea of group lunches, but got a little tired of pizza by the end of the summer! :)

(Below) We took a day trip (a very long day!) to the Dallas/Fort Worth area and visited several things. Our first stop was in Fort Worth at the Museum of Science and History where we went to the Omni theater and saw The Living Sea. We also had a cookout at Shannon's parent's house in Arlington, TX where we ate some good food, played a little croquet & even broke a few mallots in the process!

Outside the science museum!

Other pictures

Pictured above starting from the left: (bottom row) Becky House, Kristin Kuhlman, Blaine Thomas. (middle row) Jeff Connors, Mike Seaman, Steve Caruso, Peggy Concannon. (top row) Josh Boustead, Barb Tobey, Becca Pratt

Pictured above starting from the left: (bottom row) Mark Palmer, Josh Boustead, Becca Pratt, Peggy Concannon, Blaine Thomas, and Mike Seaman; (middle row) Shannon Stevenson, Steve Caruso, Barb Tobey, Kristin Kuhlman, Becky House, Jeff Connors, and Daphne Zaras; (top row) Dave Schultz, Don MacGorman, Dave Stensrud, Harold Brooks, Bob Johns, Ron Holle, Randy Peppler, Jim LaDue, and Mike Splitt

Scott Richardson showing the students how a Mesonet Site operates.

The original background website from 1998-1999.