Application Information


Summer 2025

Update 2/27/25: Two updates:

  1. We have heard that many REU programs will not be held this summer (e.g., this article in Science magazine). Our funds for summer 2025 were obligated to us at the end of the last fiscal year, so our understanding is that the main threat to our program is if the executive order related to freezing federal financial assistance goes into effect. Thus far, that has been blocked. Research grants and grants to run REU programs are among the many things considered federal financial assistance.
  2. Our selection committee is meeting next week. We hope to make offers by mid-week next week.

Update 2/6/25: As we receive project proposals, we will put them here: 2025 Project Proposals

Update 2/3/25: The application period is now CLOSED. We are working through the applications and sending requests for transcripts. This will take a few days.

Summer 2025 will be last summer on the current grant. We will continue to offer a remote option for those who wish to participate but are unable to travel to Norman for the summer. Keep in mind that REU is a commitment of time like a full-time job (e.g., 40 hrs/week). We will work with you on how we schedule program activities and pair you with a mentor who can accommodate flexible hours and different U.S. time zones, within reason.



Applicants must be:

*Students who are graduating from a 2-year degree program are eligible to participate so long as they are enrolled in and will start the remaining portion of a 4-year degree in the fall after their summer participation.


Program details:

The 2025 program will likely run from May 22 - July 30 with travel days on Wednesday, May 21, and Thursday, July 31.

Project descriptions will be listed here: Project Proposals for 2025. To get an idea of the breadth of topics this REU may have, please refer to this list from the last few years: Project Proposals for 2024, Project Proposals for 2023, and Project Proposals for 2022.

*Students at schools on quarter systems will be accommodated.




About the Application:

2 parts:

  1.  The application (found at the link below, but read all of this before starting it)   
  2.  Your college/university transcripts. These will be requested after your application is submitted.  

Applications will be due before midnight Central Time on February 2, 2025. 


Application items to prepare ahead of time:

We recommend that you prepare to write the essay questions by:

These are the essays you'll be asked to submit. Work on them ahead of time so that you can copy-paste your well-thought essays into the form.
  1. Impact You Wish to Have in Your Future Career: What interests you most about applying your background to career in weather or climate? [aim for about 250 words; the form will limit your answer to 2,000 characters]
    • This might include social, cultural, familial, educational experiences.
  2. Impact of Participation on Your Career Goals: Why do you want to participate in a research internship at the National Weather Center and its partner organizations? [aim for about 250 words; the form will limit your answer to 2,000 characters]
    • This essay should be personal to you. How would participating in this program help prepare you for the careers you are currently considering?
  3. Your Impact on Your Peers and the Scientific Community: The NWC REU aims to advance science while also building future scientific communities that address the broad range of problems facing the U.S. in the years to come. Please describe how your participation in research will impact this REU program and the broader scientific community. [aim for about 250 words; the form will limit your answer to 2,000 characters]   
    • Note: the directions for this essay changed on 1/26/25, and as such, it will not be used for selection purposes. We remain committed to helping build a competitive scientific workforce that helps the United States retain its scientific dominance. For those who had not completed applications prior to this change, we look forward to reading your thoughtful responses to this revised question.
Be sure to read the FAQ section on essays.

*Note: Our partner organizations list has been built over the past 20-some years. In any one year the list is shorter, based on individual scientists' ability to mentor in that year.



Things to keep in mind:


Also of note: NSF funds many REUs, and you can apply to more than one. To find other programs, select one of the disciplinary areas (we're listed under Atmospheric Science) or search with keywords here: https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/reu_search.jsp.

You can find all the Atmospheric and Geospace Science REUs listed https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.jsp?unitid=10020.

NOAA has a long list of student opportunties here: https://www.noaa.gov/education/opportunities/student-opportunities




Please check the FAQ before writing or calling!

Program Contacts: Mx. Alex Marmo (they/them), and Dr. Daphne LaDue (she/her)

All institutions of the National Weather Center and partner organizations are equal opportunity employers.